Moonbus Colour Correction: DVD Grabs

These images have been doctored using Photoshop to remove the false colours and view the possible interior colour of the wall finishes. The technique used is known as tonal correction whereby known and logical neutral values are converted to neutral tones. Such a neutral value would be the sides of the food case. A colour balance was then added to improve flesh tones.

This first image seemed to suffer from some heavy colour filtration and the flesh tones tended to be quite flat in areas. There is a bit more yellow in this scene but that is because the whole scene seems very slightly off-colour from the other scenes in the same set.

I applied the same exact correction to each of these images. The sandwich looks more appetizing at least, and Floyd's silver suite looks very good. You can definatley see brown piping around the edge of the seat.

I tried to keep the wooden crates looking wooden. I'd say the walls are generally grey and white.

I am also happy with the way the backpacks look with this correction. I suspect after seeing the results of this test that the adjustment are close to being correct.

Here is a slight yellow and red boost.

Correcting the Publicity Shot